This module contains the class definition of ``BaseChainLadder``.
from collections.abc import Sequence
import functools
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
[docs]class BaseChainLadder:
From the Casualty Actuarial Society's *Estimating Unpaid Claims Using
Basic Techniques* Version 3 (Friedland, Jacqueline - 2010), the
development method ('Chain Ladder') consists of seven basic steps:
1. Compile claims data in a development triangle.
2. Calculate age-to-age factors.
3. Calculate averages of the age-to-age factors.
4. Select claim development factors.
5. Select tail factor.
6. Calculate cumulative claims.
7. Project ultimate claims.
The BaseChainLadder class encapsulates logic to perform steps 1-7.
cumtri: trikit.triangle.CumTriangle
A cumulative triangle instance.
1. Friedland, J., *Estimating Unpaid Claims Using Basic Techniques*,
Casualty Actuarial Society, 2010.
def __init__(self, cumtri):
Generate point estimates for outstanding claim liabilities at
ultimate for each origin year and in aggregate. The
BaseChainLadder class exposes no functionality to estimate
variability around the point estimates at ultimate.
cumtri: triangle._CumTriangle
A cumulative.CumTriangle instance.
self.tri = cumtri
def __call__(self, sel="all-weighted", tail=1.0):
Compile a summary of ultimate and reserve estimates resulting from
the application of the development technique. Returned object is an
instance of ``BaseChainLadderResult``, which exposes a ``summary``
attribute, a DataFrame with the following fields:
* index: Origin period.
* maturity: The age of the associated origin period in terms of
development period duration.
* cldf: Cumulative loss development factors.
* emergence: 1 / cldf.
* latest: The latest diagonal from the cumulative triangle instance.
* ultimate: Projected ultimates. Computed as latest * cldf.
* reserve: Chain ladder reserve estimates. Computed as
ultimate - latest.
sel: str, pd.Series or array_like
If ``sel`` is a string, the specified loss development patterns will be
the associated entry from ``self.tri.a2a_avgs``.
If ``sel`` is array_like, values will be used in place of loss development
factors computed from the traingle directly. For a triangle with n development
periods, ``sel`` should be array_like with length n - 1.
Defaults to "all-weighted".
tail: float
Tail factor. Defaults to 1.0.
if isinstance(sel, str):
ldfs = self._ldfs(sel=sel, tail=tail)
if isinstance(sel, pd.Series):
# Check whether sel has the appropriate length.
if sel.index.size != (self.tri.devp.size - 1):
raise ValueError(
"sel has {} values, LDF overrides require {}.".format(
sel.size, self.tri.devp.size - 1
# Append tail factor to sel.
increment = np.unique(sel.index[1:] - sel.index[:-1])[0]
sel.loc[sel.index.max() + increment] = tail
elif isinstance(sel, (Sequence, np.ndarray)):
sel = np.asarray(sel, dtype=float)
if len(sel) != len(self.tri.devp) - 1:
if sel.size == (self.tri.devp.size - 1):
raise ValueError(
"sel has {} values, LDF overrides require at least {}.".format(
sel.size, self.tri.devp.size - 1
# Append sel with tail.
sel = np.append(sel, tail)
# Coerce sel to pd.Series.
ldfs = pd.Series(sel, index=self.tri.devp, dtype=float)
cldfs = self._cldfs(ldfs=ldfs)
ultimates = self._ultimates(cldfs=cldfs)
reserves = self._reserves(ultimates=ultimates)
maturity = self.tri.maturity.astype(str)
latest = self.tri.latest_by_origin
trisqrd = self._trisqrd(ldfs=ldfs)
# Compile chain ladder point estimate summary.
dfmatur = maturity.to_frame().reset_index(drop=False).rename({"index": "origin"}, axis=1)
dfcldfs = cldfs.to_frame().reset_index(drop=False).rename({"index": "maturity"}, axis=1)
dfcldfs["maturity"] = dfcldfs["maturity"].astype(str)
dfcldfs["emergence"] = 1 / dfcldfs["cldf"]
dfsumm = dfmatur.merge(dfcldfs, on=["maturity"], how="left").set_index("origin")
dfsumm.index.name = None
dflatest = latest.to_frame().rename({"latest_by_origin": "latest"}, axis=1)
dfsumm = functools.reduce(
lambda df1, df2: df1.join(df2),
(dflatest, ultimates.to_frame(), reserves.to_frame()), dfsumm
dfsumm.loc["total"] = dfsumm.sum()
dfsumm.loc["total", "maturity"] = ""
dfsumm.loc["total", ["cldf", "emergence"]] = np.NaN
cl_result = BaseChainLadderResult(
summary=dfsumm, tri=self.tri, sel=sel, ldfs=ldfs, tail=tail, trisqrd=trisqrd
[docs] def _ldfs(self, sel="all-weighted", tail=1.0):
Lookup loss development factors corresponding to ``sel``.
sel: str
The ldf average to select from ``triangle._CumTriangle.a2a_avgs``.
Defaults to "all-weighted".
tail: float
Tail factor. Defaults to 1.0.
# Determine index for tail factor.
ldfs = self.tri.a2a_avgs().loc[sel]
increment = np.unique(ldfs.index[1:] - ldfs.index[:-1])[0]
ldfs.loc[ldfs.index.max() + increment] = tail
return(pd.Series(ldfs, name="ldf").sort_index())
[docs] def _cldfs(self, ldfs):
Calculate cumulative loss development factors by successive
multiplication beginning with the tail factor and the oldest
age-to-age factor. The cumulative claim development factor projects
the total growth over the remaining valuations. Cumulative claim
development factors are also known as "Age-to-Ultimate Factors"
or "Claim Development Factors to Ultimate".
ldfs: pd.Series
Selected ldfs, typically the output of calling ``self._ldfs``.
cldfs = np.cumprod(ldfs.values[::-1])[::-1]
cldfs = pd.Series(data=cldfs, index=ldfs.index.values, name="cldf")
[docs] def _ultimates(self, cldfs):
Ultimate claims are equal to the product of the latest valuation of
losses (the amount along latest diagonal of any ``_CumTriangle``
instance) and the appropriate cldf/age-to-ultimate factor. We
determine the appropriate age-to-ultimate factor based on the age
of each origin year relative to the evaluation date.
cldfs: pd.Series
Cumulative loss development factors, conventionally obtained
via BaseChainLadder's ``_cldfs`` method.
ultimates = pd.Series(
data=self.tri.latest_by_origin.values * cldfs.values[::-1],
index=self.tri.index, name="ultimate"
[docs] def _reserves(self, ultimates):
Return IBNR/reserve estimates by origin and in aggregate. Represents
the difference between ultimate projections for each origin period
and the latest cumulative value.
Since outstanding claim liabilities can be referred to differently
based on the type of losses represented in the triangle ("ibnr" if
reported/incurred, "unpaid" if paid losses), we use the general term
"reserve" to represent the difference between ultimate projections
and latest cumulative value by origin and in total.
ultimates: pd.Series
Estimated ultimate losses, conventionally obtained from
BaseChainLadder's ``_ultimates`` method.
reserves = pd.Series(
data=ultimates - self.tri.latest_by_origin,
index=self.tri.index, name='reserve')
[docs] def _trisqrd(self, ldfs):
Project claims growth for each future development period. Returns a
DataFrame of loss projections for each subsequent development period
for each origin period. Populates the triangle's lower-right or
southeast portion (i.e., the result of "squaring the triangle").
ldfs: pd.Series
Selected ldfs, typically the output of calling ``self._ldfs``.
trisqrd = self.tri.copy(deep=True)
rposf = self.tri.index.size
clvi = self.tri.clvi["row_offset"]
for i in enumerate(trisqrd.columns[1:], start=1):
ii, devp = i[0], i[1]
ildf, rposi = ldfs.values[ii - 1], clvi[devp] + 1
trisqrd.iloc[rposi:rposf, ii] = trisqrd.iloc[rposi:rposf, ii - 1] * ildf
# Multiply right-most column by tail factor.
max_devp = trisqrd.columns[-1]
trisqrd["ultimate"] = trisqrd.loc[:, max_devp].values * ldfs.values[-1]
[docs]class BaseChainLadderResult:
Container object for BaseChainLadder output.
summary: pd.DataFrame
Chain Ladder summary compilation.
tri: trikit.triangle._CumTriangle
A cumulative triangle instance.
sel: str or array_like
Reference to loss development selection. If ldf overrides are
utilized, ``sel`` will be identical to ``ldfs``.
ldfs: pd.Series
Loss development factors.
tail: float
Tail factor. Defaults to 1.0.
trisqrd: pd.DataFrame
Projected claims growth for each future development period.
def __init__(self, summary, tri, sel, ldfs, tail, trisqrd):
self.emergence = summary["emergence"]
self.ultimate = summary["ultimate"]
self.maturity = summary["maturity"]
self.reserve = summary["reserve"]
self.latest = summary["latest"]
self.cldfs = summary["cldf"]
self.summary = summary
self.trisqrd = trisqrd
self.ldfs = ldfs
self.tail = tail
self.sel = sel
self.tri = tri
self._markers = ["o", "v", "^", "s", "8", "p", "D", "d", "h"]
self._summspecs = {
"ultimate": "{:,.0f}".format, "reserve": "{:,.0f}".format,
"latest": "{:,.0f}".format, "cldf": "{:.5f}".format,
"emergence": "{:.5f}".format,
[docs] @staticmethod
def _get_yticks(x):
Determine y axis tick labels for a given maximum loss amount x.
Return tuple of tick values and ticklabels.
x: float
Maximum value for a given origin period.
tuple of ndarrays
ref_divs = np.power(10, np.arange(10))
div_index = np.where((x / ref_divs) > 1)[0].max()
x_div = ref_divs[div_index]
# Find upper limit for y-axis given origin_max_val.
yuls_seq = x_div * np.arange(1, 11)
x_yuls = yuls_seq - x
yul = yuls_seq[np.where(x_yuls > 0)[0].min()]
y_ticks = np.linspace(0, yul, num=5)
y_ticklabels = np.asarray(["{:,.0f}".format(ii) for ii in y_ticks])
return(y_ticks, y_ticklabels)
[docs] def plot(self, actuals_color="#334488", forecasts_color="#FFFFFF", axes_style="darkgrid",
context="notebook", col_wrap=4, hue_kws=None, exhibit_path=None, **kwargs):
Visualize actual losses along with projected chain ladder development.
actuals_color: str
A color name or hexidecimal code used to represent actual
observations. Defaults to "#00264C".
forecasts_color: str
A color name or hexidecimal code used to represent forecast
observations. Defaults to "#FFFFFF".
axes_style: str
Aesthetic style of plots. Defaults to "darkgrid". Other options
include: {whitegrid, dark, white, ticks}.
context: str
Set the plotting context parameters. According to the seaborn
documentation, This affects things like the size of the labels,
lines, and other elements of the plot, but not the overall style.
Defaults to "notebook". Additional options include
{"paper", "talk", "poster"}.
col_wrap: int
The maximum number of origin period axes to have on a single row
of the resulting FacetGrid. Defaults to 5.
hue_kws: dictionary of param:list of values mapping
Other keyword arguments to insert into the plotting call to let
other plot attributes vary across levels of the hue variable
(e.g. the markers in a scatterplot). Each list of values should
have length 2, with each index representing aesthetic
overrides for forecasts and actuals respectively. Defaults to
exhibit_path: str
Path to which exhibit should be written. If None, exhibit will be
rendered via ``plt.show()``.
kwargs: dict
Additional styling options for scatter points. This can override
default values for ``plt.plot`` objects. For a demonstration,
See the Examples section.
Demonstration of passing a dictionary of plot properties in order
to update the scatter size and marker::
In [1]: import trikit
In [2]: tri = trikit.load(dataset="raa", tri_type="cum")
In [3]: cl = tri.base_cl(sel="all-weighted", tail=1.005)
In [4]: kwds = dict(marker="s", markersize=6)
In [5]: cl.plot(**kwds)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
data = self._data_transform()
with sns.axes_style(axes_style):
huekwargs = dict(
marker=["o", "o"], markersize=[6, 6],
color=["#000000", "#000000"], fillstyle=["full", "full"],
markerfacecolor=[forecasts_color, actuals_color],
markeredgecolor=["#000000", "#000000"],
markeredgewidth=[.50, .50], linestyle=["-", "-"],
linewidth=[.475, .475],
if hue_kws is not None:
# Determine whether the length of each element of hue_kws is 4.
if all(len(hue_kws[i]) == 4 for i in hue_kws):
warnings.warn("hue_kws overrides not correct length - Ignoring.")
grid = sns.FacetGrid(
data, col="origin", hue="rectype", hue_kws=huekwargs,
col_wrap=col_wrap, margin_titles=False, despine=True, sharex=False,
sharey=False, hue_order=["forecast", "actual"]
devp_xticks = np.sort(data.dev.unique())
devp_xticks_str = [
str(ii) if ii != devp_xticks.max() else "ult" for ii in devp_xticks
grid.set_xticklabels(devp_xticks_str, size=7)
origin_order = data[["origin_index", "origin"]].drop_duplicates().sort_values(
with warnings.catch_warnings():
for origin, ax_ii in zip(origin_order, grid.axes):
legend = ax_ii.legend(
loc="lower right", fontsize="x-small", frameon=True,
fancybox=True, shadow=False, edgecolor="#909090",
framealpha=1, markerfirst=True,
# For given origin, determine optimal 5-point tick labels.
origin_max_val = data[data.origin == origin].loss.max()
y_ticks, y_ticklabels = self._get_yticks(origin_max_val)
ax_ii.set_yticklabels(y_ticklabels, size=7)
origin, xy=(.075, .90), xytext=(.075, .90), xycoords='axes fraction',
textcoords='axes fraction', fontsize=9, rotation=0, color="#000000",
# Draw border around each facet.
for _, spine in ax_ii.spines.items():
spine.set(visible=True, color="#000000", linewidth=.50)
if exhibit_path is not None:
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
[docs]class BaseRangeEstimator(BaseChainLadder):
def _qtls_formatter(q, two_sided=False):
Return array_like of formatted quantiles.
q: array_like of float or float
Quantile or sequence of quantiles to compute, which must be
between 0 and 1 inclusive.
two_sided: bool
Whether the two_sided interval should be included in summary
output. For example, if ``two_sided==True`` and ``q=.95``, then
the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the estimated reserve
distribution will be returned [(1 - .95) / 2, (1 + .95) / 2]. When
False, only the specified quantile(s) will be computed. Defaults
to False.
tuple of list
qtls = np.asarray([q] if isinstance(q, (float, int)) else q)
if np.all(np.logical_and(qtls <= 1, qtls >= 0)):
if two_sided:
qtls = np.sort(np.unique(np.append((1 - qtls) / 2., (1 + qtls) / 2.)))
qtls = np.sort(np.unique(qtls))
raise ValueError("Values for quantiles must fall between [0, 1].")
qtlhdrs = [
"{:.5f}".format(ii).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") + "%" for ii in 100 * qtls
return(qtls, qtlhdrs)
[docs]class BaseRangeEstimatorResult(BaseChainLadderResult):
def __init__(self, summary, tri, ldfs, tail, trisqrd, process_error, parameter_error):
Container class for reserve estimators which quantify reserve variability.
super().__init__(summary=summary, tri=tri, ldfs=ldfs, tail=tail, trisqrd=trisqrd, sel=None)
self.parameter_error = parameter_error
self.process_error = process_error
self.std_error = summary["std_error"]
self.mse = summary["std_error"]**2
self.cv = summary["cv"]
# Quantile suffix for plot method annotations.
self.dsuffix = {
"0": "th", "1": "st", "2": "nd", "3": "rd", "4": "th", "5": "th", "6": "th",
"7": "th", "8": "th", "9": "th",
self._summspecs.update({"std_error": "{:,.0f}".format, "cv": "{:.3f}".format})
def _qtls_formatter(self, q):
Return array_like of actual and formatted quantiles.
q: array_like of float or float
Quantile or sequence of quantiles to compute, which must be
between 0 and 1 inclusive.
tuple of list
qtls = np.asarray([q] if isinstance(q, (float, int)) else q)
if np.all(np.logical_and(qtls <= 1, qtls >= 0)):
qtls = np.sort(np.unique(qtls))
raise ValueError("Values for quantiles must fall between [0, 1].")
qtlhdrs = [
"{:.5f}".format(ii).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") for ii in 100 * qtls
qtlhdrs = [
ii + "th" if "." in ii else ii + self.dsuffix[ii[-1]] for ii in qtlhdrs
return(qtls.tolist(), qtlhdrs)
[docs] def get_quantiles(self):
Estimator specific routine to produce quantiles of estimated reserve distribution.