This module contains the definitions of both the ``IncrTriangle`` and
``CumTriangle`` classes. Users should avoid instantiating ``IncrTriangle``
or ``CumTriangle`` instances directly; rather the dataset and triangle
arguments should be passed to ``totri``, which will return either an
instance of ``CumTriangle`` or ``IncrTriangle``, depending on the argument
specified for ``type_``.
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from .estimators.base import BaseChainLadder
from .estimators.bootstrap import BootstrapChainLadder
from .estimators.mack import MackChainLadder
from .estimators.glm import GLMEstimator
[docs]class _BaseTriangle(pd.DataFrame):
Transforms ``data`` into a triangle instance.
data: pd.DataFrame
The dataset to be transformed into a ``_BaseTriangle`` instance.
``data`` must be tabular loss data with at minimum columns
representing the origin/acident year, the development
period and the actual loss amount, given by ``origin``, ``dev``
and ``value`` arguments.
origin: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing origin period.
dev: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing development period.
value: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing loss amounts.
def __init__(self, data, origin=None, dev=None, value=None):
self._validate(data, origin=origin, dev=dev, value=value)
origin_ = "origin" if origin is None else origin
dev_ = "dev" if dev is None else dev
value_ = "value" if value is None else value
# data2 = data.copy(deep=True)
data2 = self._neg_handler(data, dev_, value_)
data2 = data2[[origin_, dev_, value_]]
data2 = data2.groupby([origin_, dev_], as_index=False).sum()
data2 = data2.sort_values(by=[origin_, dev_])
tri = data2.pivot(index=origin_, columns=dev_).rename_axis(None)
tri.columns = tri.columns.droplevel(0)
# Force all triangle cells to be of type np.floa
tri = tri.astype({kk: float for kk in tri.columns})
tri.columns.name = None
self.origin = origin_
self.value = value_
self.dev = dev_
# Properties.
self._latest_by_origin = None
self._latest_by_devp = None
self._nbr_cells = None
self._maturity = None
self._triind = None
self._devp = None
self._latest = None
self._origins = None
self._rlvi = None
self._clvi = None
self._dof = None
[docs] @staticmethod
def _validate(data, origin=None, dev=None, value=None):
Ensure data has requisite columns.
data: pd.DataFrame
Initial dataset to be coerced to triangle.
origin: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing origin period.
dev: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing development period.
value: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing loss amounts.
if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError("`data` must be an instance of pd.DataFrame.")
origin_ = "origin" if origin is None else origin
if origin_ not in data.columns:
raise AttributeError("`{}` not present in data.".format(origin_))
dev_ = "dev" if dev is None else dev
if dev_ not in data.columns:
raise AttributeError("`{}` not present in data.".format(dev_))
value_ = "value" if value is None else value
if value_ not in data.columns:
raise AttributeError("`{}` not present in data.".format(value_))
[docs] @staticmethod
def _neg_handler(data, dev, value):
Convert any first development period negative values to 1.0.
min_devp = data[dev].min()
data[value] = data.apply(lambda rec: 1 if
rec[dev] == min_devp and rec[value] <= 0 else rec[value], axis=1)
def nbr_cells(self):
Return the number of non-NaN cells.
if self._nbr_cells is None:
self._nbr_cells = self.count().sum()
def triind(self):
Table indicating forecast cells with 1, actual data with 0.
if self._triind is None:
self._triind = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.columns, index=self.index)
self._triind.iloc[:, :] = 0
for devp in self.clvi.index:
last_actual_origin = self.clvi[self.clvi.index == devp].origin.values[0]
last_actual_offset = self.clvi[self.clvi.origin == last_actual_origin].row_offset.values[0]
self._triind.iloc[(last_actual_offset + 1):, self.columns.get_loc(devp)] = 1
def rlvi(self):
Determine the last valid index by origin.
if self._rlvi is None:
self._rlvi = pd.DataFrame({
"dev": self.apply(
lambda x: x.last_valid_index(), axis=1).values
}, index=self.index)
self._rlvi["col_offset"] = \
self._rlvi["dev"].map(lambda x: self.columns.get_loc(x))
def clvi(self):
Determine the last valid index by development period.
if self._clvi is None:
self._clvi = pd.DataFrame({
"origin": self.apply(lambda v: v.last_valid_index(), axis=0).values
}, index=self.columns
self._clvi["row_offset"] = \
self._clvi["origin"].map(lambda v: self.index.get_loc(v))
def latest(self):
Return the values on the triangle's latest diagonal. Loss amounts
are given, along with the associated origin year and development
period. The latest loss amount by origin year alone can be obtained
by calling ``self.latest_by_origin``, or by development period by
calling by ``self.latest_by_devp``.
if self._latest is None:
lindx = self.apply(lambda devp: devp.last_valid_index(), axis=1)
dflindx = lindx.to_frame().reset_index(drop=False).rename(
{0: "dev", "index": self.origin}, axis=1)
self._latest = dflindx.merge(self.to_tbl(), on=[self.origin, self.dev]).rename(
{self.value: "latest"}, axis=1)
self._latest = self._latest[["origin", "dev", "latest"]].sort_index()
def latest_by_origin(self):
Return the latest loss amounts by origin year.
if self._latest_by_origin is None:
self._latest_by_origin = pd.Series(
data=self.latest["latest"].values, index=self.latest["origin"].values,
def latest_by_devp(self):
Return the latest loss amounts by development period.
if self._latest_by_devp is None:
self._latest_by_devp = pd.Series(
data=self.latest["latest"].values, index=self.latest["dev"].values,
def devp(self):
Return triangle's development periods.
if self._devp is None:
self._devp = pd.Series(self.columns, name="devp")
def origins(self):
Return triangle's origin periods.
if self._origins is None:
self._origins = pd.Series(self.index, name="origin")
def maturity(self):
Return the maturity for each origin period.
if self._maturity is None:
dfind, matlist = (1 - self.triind), list()
for i in range(dfind.index.size):
lossyear = dfind.index[i]
maxindex = dfind.loc[lossyear].values.nonzero()[0].max()
itermatur = dfind.columns[maxindex]
self._maturity = pd.Series(data=matlist, index=self.index, name="maturity")
[docs] def diagonal(self, offset=0):
Return triangle values at given offset. When ``offset=0``, returns
latest diagonal.
offset: int
Negative integer value (or 0) representing the diagonal to return.
To return the second diagonal, set ``offset=-1``. If abs(offset)
exceeds (number of development periods - 1), ``ValueError`` is raised.
Default value is 0 (represents latest diagonal).
if np.abs(offset) > (self.devp.size - 1):
raise ValueError(
"abs(offset) cannot exceed the number of development periods."
df = self.latest.copy()
df = df.reset_index(drop=False).rename(
{"index": "origin_indx"}, axis=1)[["origin_indx"]]
df["dev_indx"] = df["origin_indx"].values[::-1]
df["dev_indx"] = df["dev_indx"] + offset
df = df[df.dev_indx >= 0].reset_index(drop=True)
df = df.assign(
origin=df["origin_indx"].map(lambda v: self.origins[v]),
dev=df["dev_indx"].map(lambda v: self.devp[v]),
value=df.apply(lambda rec: self.iat[rec.origin_indx, rec.dev_indx], axis=1)
return(df[["origin", "dev", "value"]])
[docs] def to_tbl(self, dropna=True):
Transform triangle instance into a tabular representation.
dropna: bool
Should records with NA values be dropped? Default value is True.
tri = self.reset_index(drop=False).rename({"index": "origin"}, axis=1)
df = pd.melt(tri, id_vars=[self.origin], var_name=self.dev, value_name=self.value)
if dropna:
df = df[~np.isnan(df[self.value])]
df = df.astype({self.origin: int, self.dev: int, self.value: float})
df = df[[self.origin, self.dev, self.value]].sort_values(by=[self.origin, self.dev])
def __str__(self):
formats = {devp: "{:,.0f}".format for devp in self.columns}
def __repr__(self):
formats = {devp: "{:,.0f}".format for devp in self.columns}
[docs]class _BaseIncrTriangle(_BaseTriangle):
Internal incremental triangle class definition.
def __init__(self, data, origin=None, dev=None, value=None):
data: pd.DataFrame
The dataset to be transformed into a triangle instance.
``data`` must be tabular loss data with at minimum columns
representing the origin/acident year, development
period and value of interest, given by ``origin``, ``dev``
and ``value`` respectively.
origin: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing origin year.
dev: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing development period.
value: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing loss amounts.
# Replace NaN values with 1.0 in value column.
# data.loc[np.where(np.isnan(data.value.values))[0], "value"] = 1.
super().__init__(data, origin=origin, dev=dev, value=value)
[docs]class IncrTriangle(_BaseIncrTriangle):
Public incremental triangle class definition.
data: pd.DataFrame
The dataset to be transformed into a triangle instance.
``data`` must be tabular loss data with at minimum columns
representing the origin/acident year, development
period and value of interest, given by ``origin``, ``dev``
and ``value`` respectively.
origin: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing origin year.
dev: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing development period.
value: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing loss amounts.
def __init__(self, data, origin=None, dev=None, value=None):
super().__init__(data, origin=origin, dev=dev, value=value)
[docs] def to_cum(self):
Transform triangle instance into cumulative representation.
return(CumTriangle(self.to_tbl(), origin="origin", dev="dev", value="value"))
[docs]class _BaseCumTriangle(_BaseTriangle):
Internal cumulative triangle class definition. Transforms ``data`` into a
cumulative triangle instance.
data: pd.DataFrame
The dataset to be transformed into a triangle instance.
``data`` must be tabular loss data with at minimum columns
representing the origin/acident year, development
period and incremental value of interest, given by ``origin``,
``dev`` and ``value`` respectively.
origin: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing the origin year.
dev: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing the development period.
value: str
The fieldname in ``data`` representing incremental loss amounts.
def __init__(self, data, origin="origin", dev="dev", value="value"):
# Replace NaN values with 1.0 in value column.
data["cumval"] = data.groupby([origin], as_index=False)[value].cumsum()
data = data.drop(value, axis=1)
data = data.rename(columns={"cumval": value})
super().__init__(data=data, origin=origin, dev=dev, value=value)
# Properties.
self._a2a_assignment = None
self._ranked_a2a = None
self._a2a_lvi = None
self._weights = None
self._a2aind = None
self._a2a = None
[docs] @staticmethod
def _geometric(vals, weights=None):
Compute the geometric average of the elements of ``vals``.
vals: np.ndarray
An array of values, typically representing link ratios from a
single development period.
weights: np.ndarray
Not yet implemented.
arr = np.asarray(vals, dtype=float)
return(np.NaN if arr.size == 0 else stats.gmean(arr))
[docs] @staticmethod
def _simple(vals, weights=None):
Compute the simple average of elements of ``vals``.
vals: np.ndarray
An array of values, typically representing link ratios from a
single development period.
weights: np.ndarray
Not yet implemented.
arr = np.asarray(vals, dtype=float)
return(np.NaN if arr.size == 0 else arr.mean())
def a2a(self):
Compute adjacent proportions, a.k.a. link ratios.
if self._a2a is None:
self._a2a = self.shift(periods=-1, axis=1) / self
self._a2a = self._a2a.dropna(axis=1, how="all").dropna(axis=0, how="all")
def a2aind(self):
Determine which cells should be included and which to exclude
when computing age-to-age averages. Cells populated with 1
are included, cells populated with 0 are excluded.
if self._a2aind is None:
self._a2aind = self.a2a.applymap(lambda v: 0 if np.isnan(v) else 1)
def a2aind(self, update_spec):
Update ``self.a2aind`` in order to down-weight ldfs in chain ladder
update_spec: tuple
3-tuple consisting of ``(index, column, value)``, representing
the intersection point of the ``self.a2a`` target cell, and the
value used to update it. ``value`` must be either 0 or 1.
Load raa sample dataset, and remove a highly-leveraged age-to-age
factor from influencing the ldf calculation::
In [1]: import trikit
In [2]: raa = trikit.load(dataset="raa")
In [3]: tri = trikit.totri(data=raa)
In [4]: tri.a2a.iloc[:, :1]
1981 1.649840
1982 40.424528
1983 2.636950
1984 2.043324
1985 8.759158
1986 4.259749
1987 7.217235
1988 5.142117
1989 1.721992
To remove the link ratio at origin year 1982 and development
period 1, run the following::
In [1]: tri.a2aind = (1982, 1, 0)
In [2]: tri.a2aind
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1981 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1982 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1983 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1984 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1985 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1986 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1987 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1988 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1989 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Notice that the value at (1982, 1) is 0. To change it back
to 1, simply run::
In [1]: tri.a2aind = (1982, 1, 1)
In [2]: tri.a2aind
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1981 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1982 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1983 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1984 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1985 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1986 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1987 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1988 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1989 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note also that ``self.a2aind`` may be updated using DataFrame
methods directly::
In [1]: tri.a2aind.at[1982, 1] = 0
In [2]: tri.a2aind
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1981 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1982 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1983 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1984 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1985 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1986 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1987 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1988 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1989 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
indx, column, value = update_spec
self._a2aind.at[indx, column] = value
def a2a_lvi(self):
Reference to last valid index for triangle age-to-age factors.
# Bind reference to last valid index by column for self.tri.a2a.
if self._a2a_lvi is None:
self._a2a_lvi = pd.DataFrame({
"origin": self.a2a.apply(lambda v: v.last_valid_index(), axis=0).values
}, index=self.a2a.columns
self._a2a_lvi["row_offset"] = self._a2a_lvi["origin"].map(lambda v: self.index.get_loc(v))
def ranked_a2a(self):
Construct triangle of ranked age-to-age factors for use in development
period correlation testing.
if self._ranked_a2a is None:
a2a_lvi = self.a2a_lvi
rank_list = []
for devp_indx, devp in enumerate(a2a_lvi.index[:-1]):
last_valid_origin = a2a_lvi[a2a_lvi.index == devp].origin.item()
a2a_ii = self.a2a.loc[:, devp]
r_ii = a2a_ii.rank().to_frame().rename({devp: "r_{}".format(devp_indx + 1)}, axis=1)
s_ii = a2a_ii[a2a_ii.index < last_valid_origin].rank().to_frame().rename(
{devp: "s_{}".format(devp_indx + 2)}, axis=1
self._ranked_a2a = pd.concat(rank_list[1:-1], axis=1).dropna(how="all")
def a2a_assignment(self):
Identify triangle age-to-age factors into high and low categories based
on value relative to the median for a given development period. Factors
in excess of the median are assigned a value of +1. Age-to-age factors
with value less than the median are assigned a value of -1. For
development periods with an odd number of values, the true median is set
to 0. Returned DataFrame has same dimensionality as self.tri.a2a.
if self._a2a_assignment is None:
self._a2a_assignment = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.a2a.columns, index=self.a2a.index)
dfmedian = self.a2a.median(axis=0)
for devp in self.a2a.columns:
devp_median = dfmedian[devp]
for r_indx, a2a in enumerate(self.a2a[devp]):
origin = self.a2a.index[r_indx]
if not np.isnan(a2a):
if np.allclose(a2a, devp_median):
self._a2a_assignment.at[origin, devp] = 0
elif a2a > devp_median:
self._a2a_assignment.at[origin, devp] = 1
self._a2a_assignment.at[origin, devp] = -1
[docs] def a2a_avgs(self):
Compute age-to-age factors based on ``self.a2a`` table of adjacent
proportions. Averages computed include "simple", "geometric", "medial"
and "weighted".
_nbr_periods = list(range(1, self.a2a.shape[0])) + [0]
indxstrs = list()
# Create lookup table for average functions.
avgfuncs = {"simple": self._simple, "geometric": self._geometric,
"medial": self._medial, "weighted": None}
# Remove `0` entry, and add as last element of list.
ldf_avg_lst = list(itertools.product(avgfuncs.keys(), _nbr_periods))
indxstrs = [
"all-" + str(ii[0]) if ii[1] == 0 else "{}-{}".format(ii[0], ii[1])
for ii in ldf_avg_lst
_a2a_avgs = pd.DataFrame(index=indxstrs, columns=self.a2a.columns)
a2a_adj = self.a2a * self.a2aind
for a in enumerate(ldf_avg_lst):
duration, avgtype, indxpos = a[1][1], a[1][0], a[0]
indxstr, iterfunc = indxstrs[indxpos], avgfuncs[avgtype]
for col in range(a2a_adj.shape[1]):
itercol, colstr = a2a_adj.iloc[:, col], a2a_adj.columns[col]
if avgtype == 'weighted':
t_ic_1, t_ic_2 = self.iloc[:, col], self.iloc[:, (col + 1)]
# Find first NaN value in t_ic_2.
first_nan_year = t_ic_2.index[t_ic_2.count():][0]
first_nan_indx = t_ic_2.index.searchsorted(first_nan_year)
final_cell_indx = first_nan_indx
if duration == 0:
first_cell_indx = 0
first_cell_indx = (final_cell_indx - duration) if \
(final_cell_indx - duration) >= 0 else 0
# Divide sum of t_ic_2 by t_ic_1.
sum_ic_2 = t_ic_2[first_cell_indx:final_cell_indx].sum()
sum_ic_1 = t_ic_1[first_cell_indx:final_cell_indx].sum()
iteravg = (sum_ic_2 / sum_ic_1)
except ZeroDivisionError:
iteravg = np.NaN
# Find index of first row with NaN.
if any(itercol.map(lambda x: np.isnan(x))):
first_nan_year = itercol.index[itercol.apply(lambda x: np.isnan(x))][0]
first_nan_indx = itercol.index.searchsorted(first_nan_year)
final_cell_indx = first_nan_indx
if duration == 0:
first_cell_indx = 0
first_cell_indx = (final_cell_indx - duration) if \
(final_cell_indx - duration) >= 0 else 0
# itercol has 0 NaN's.
final_cell_indx = len(itercol)
first_cell_indx = 0 if duration == 0 else (final_cell_indx - duration)
link_ratios = itercol[first_cell_indx:final_cell_indx]
iteravg = iterfunc(link_ratios[link_ratios > 0])
except ZeroDivisionError:
iteravg = np.NaN
_a2a_avgs.loc[indxstr, colstr] = iteravg
[docs]class CumTriangle(_BaseCumTriangle):
Cumulative triangle class definition.
def __init__(self, data, origin=None, dev=None, value=None):
super().__init__(data, origin=origin, dev=dev, value=value)
[docs] def to_incr(self):
Obtain incremental triangle based on cumulative triangle instance.
Convert existing cumulative triangle instance into an instance of
In [1]: from trikit import load, totri
In [2]: cumtri = totri(load("raa"))
In [3]: incrtri = cumtri.to_incr()
In [4]: type(incrtri)
Out[4]: triangle.IncrTriangle
incrtri = pd.DataFrame(self).diff(axis=1)
incrtri.iloc[:, 0] = self.iloc[:, 0]
incrtri = incrtri.reset_index(drop=False).rename({"index": "origin"}, axis=1)
df = pd.melt(incrtri, id_vars=["origin"], var_name="dev", value_name="value")
df = df[~np.isnan(df["value"])].astype({"origin": int, "dev": int, "value": float})
df = df.sort_values(by=["origin", "dev"]).reset_index(drop=True)
return(IncrTriangle(df, origin="origin", dev="dev", value="value"))
[docs] def plot(self, display="combined", **kwargs):
Plot cumulative loss development over a single set of axes or
as faceted-by-origin exhibit.
view: {"combined", "faceted"}
Whether to display cumulative loss development in a single or faceted view.
Default value is ``"combined"``.
kwargs: dict
Options for combined view:
cmap: str
Selected matplotlib color map. For additional options, visit:
Options for faceted view:
color: str
Color to plot loss development in each facet. Default value is "#334488".
axes_style: str
Aesthetic style of plots. Defaults to "darkgrid". Other options
include: {whitegrid, dark, white, ticks}.
context: str
Set the plotting context parameters. According to the seaborn
documentation, This affects things like the size of the labels,
lines, and other elements of the plot, but not the overall style.
Defaults to ``"notebook"``. Additional options include
{"paper", "talk", "poster"}.
if kwargs is not None:
kwds = kwargs
kwds = {}
if display.startswith("f"):
[docs] def _combined_view(self, **kwargs):
Visualize triangle loss development using a combined view.
cmap: str
Selected matplotlib color map. For additional options, visit:
kwargs: dict
Additional plot styling options.
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
pltkwargs = dict(
marker="s", markersize=5, alpha=1, linestyle="-", linewidth=1.5,
figsize=(9.5, 6.5), cmap="gist_rainbow",
if kwargs:
data = self.to_tbl()
grps = data.groupby("origin", as_index=False)
data_list = [grps.get_group(ii) for ii in self.origins]
xticks = np.sort(data.dev.unique())
# Get unique hex color for each unique origin period.
fcolors = cm.get_cmap(pltkwargs["cmap"], len(self.origins))
colors_rgba = [fcolors(ii) for ii in np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.origins))]
colors_hex = [mpl.colors.to_hex(ii, keep_alpha=False) for ii in colors_rgba]
markers = ["o", "v", "^", "s", "p", "D", "d", "h"]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=pltkwargs["figsize"], tight_layout=True)
ax.set_title("Loss Development by Origin", fontsize=9, loc="left")
for ii, hex_color, dforg in zip(range(len(colors_hex)), colors_hex, data_list):
xx = dforg["dev"].values
yy = dforg["value"].values
marker = markers[ii % len(markers)]
yy_divisor = 1 # 1000 if np.all(yy>1000) else 1
yy_axis_label = "(000's)" if yy_divisor == 1000 else ""
xx, yy / yy_divisor, color=hex_color,
linewidth=pltkwargs["linewidth"], linestyle=pltkwargs["linestyle"],
label=dforg.origin.values[0], marker=marker,
# Reduce thickness of plot outline.
for axis in ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]:
ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda v, p: format(int(v), ",")))
ax.set_xlabel("dev", fontsize=8)
ax.set_ylabel(yy_axis_label, fontsize=8)
ax.tick_params(axis="x", which="major", direction="in", labelsize=8)
ax.tick_params(axis="y", which="major", direction="in", labelsize=8)
ax.legend(loc="lower right", fancybox=True, framealpha=1, fontsize="x-small")
[docs] def _faceted_view(self, color="#334488", axes_style="darkgrid", context="notebook",
col_wrap=4, **kwargs):
Visualize triangle loss development using a faceted view.
color: str
Color to plot loss development in each facet. Default value is "#334488".
axes_style: str
Aesthetic style of plots. Defaults to "darkgrid". Other options
include: {whitegrid, dark, white, ticks}.
context: str
Set the plotting context parameters. According to the seaborn
documentation, This affects things like the size of the labels,
lines, and other elements of the plot, but not the overall style.
Defaults to ``"notebook"``. Additional options include
{"paper", "talk", "poster"}.
kwargs: dict
Additional plot styling options.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
pltkwargs = dict(
color="#334488", axes_style="darkgrid", context="notebook",
col_wrap=4, marker="s", markersize=5, alpha=1, linestyle="-",
linewidth=1.5, figsize=(9, 6), cmap="hsv"
if kwargs:
data = self.to_tbl()
with sns.axes_style(axes_style):
pltkwargs = dict(
marker="o", markersize=7, alpha=1, markeredgecolor="#000000",
markeredgewidth=.50, linestyle="--", linewidth=.75,
fillstyle="full", color=color,
if kwargs:
g = sns.FacetGrid(
data, col="origin", col_wrap=col_wrap, margin_titles=False,
despine=True, sharex=True, sharey=True,
g.map(plt.plot, "dev", "value", **pltkwargs)
g.set_axis_labels("", "")
g.set_titles("{col_name}", size=8)
g.set_xticklabels(np.sort(data.dev.unique()), size=7)
for ii, _ in enumerate(g.axes):
ax_ = g.axes[ii]
ylabelss = [jj.get_text() for jj in list(ax_.get_yticklabels())]
ylabelsn = [float(jj.replace(u"\u2212", "-")) for jj in ylabelss]
ylabelsn = [jj for jj in ylabelsn if jj >= 0]
ylabels = ["{:,.0f}".format(jj) for jj in ylabelsn]
if (len(ylabels) > 0):
ax_.set_yticklabels(ylabels, size=7)
axis='x', which='both', bottom=True, top=False, labelbottom=True
# Draw border around each facet.
for _, spine in ax_.spines.items():
[docs] def base_cl(self, sel="all-weighted", tail=1.0):
Produce chain ladder reserve estimates based on cumulative triangle instance.
sel: str, pd.Series or array_like
If ``sel`` is a string, the specified loss development patterns will be
the associated entry from ``self.tri.a2a_avgs``.
If ``sel`` is array_like, values will be used in place of loss development
factors computed from the traingle directly. For a triangle with n development
periods, ``sel`` should be array_like with length n - 1.
Defaults to "all-weighted".
tail: float
Chain ladder tail factor. Defaults to 1.0.
Generate chain ladder reserve point estimates using the raa dataset.
``tri`` is first created using the raa dataset::
In [1]: import trikit
In [2]: tri = trikit.load("raa", tri_type="cum")
In [4]: cl = tri.base_cl()
Perform standard chain ladder, using non-default values for ``sel`` and ``tail``::
In [5]: cl = tri.base_cl(sel="medial-5", tail=1.015)
Passing a custom sequence of loss development factors::
In [6]: ldfs = [5., 2.5, 1.25, 1.15, 1.10, 1.05, 1.025, 1.01, 1.005,]
In [7]: cl = tri.base_cl(sel=ldfs, tail=1.001)
kwds = dict(sel=sel, tail=tail)
[docs] def boot_cl(self, sims=1000, q=[.75, .95], procdist="gamma", parametric=False,
two_sided=False, interpolation="linear", random_state=None):
Estimate reserves and the distribution of reserve outcomes by origin and in
total via bootstrap resampling. The estimated distribution of losses assumes
development is completen by the final development period in order to avoid the
complication of modeling a tail factor.
sims: int
The number of bootstrap simulations to perform. Defaults to 1000.
q: array_like of float or float
Quantile or sequence of quantiles to compute, which must be
between 0 and 1 inclusive.
procdist: str
The distribution used to incorporate process variance. Currently,
this can only be set to "gamma".
two_sided: bool
Whether to include the two_sided interval in summary output. For example,
if ``two_sided==True`` and ``q=.95``, the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the
bootstrapped reserve distribution will be returned [(1 - .95) / 2, (1 + .95) / 2].
When False, only the specified quantile(s) will be computed. Defaults
to False.
parametric: bool
If True, fit standardized residuals to a normal distribution via maximum likelihood,
and sample from the resulting distribution. Otherwise, values are sampled with
replacement from the collection of standardized residuals. Defaults to False.
interpolation: {"linear", "lower", "higher", "midpoint", "nearest"}
Optional parameter which specifies the interpolation method to use
when the desired quantile lies between two data points i < j. See
``numpy.quantile`` for more information. Default value is "linear".
random_state: np.random.RandomState
If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number
generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random
number generator; If None, the random number generator is the
RandomState instance used by np.random.
Generate boostrap chain ladder reserve estimates. ``tri`` is first created
using the raa dataset::
In [1]: import trikit
In [2]: tri = trikit.load("raa", tri_type="cum")
In [3]: bcl = tri.boot_cl()
kwds = dict(
sims=sims, q=q, procdist=procdist, parametric=parametric, two_sided=two_sided,
interpolation=interpolation, random_state=random_state
[docs] def mack_cl(self, alpha=1, tail=1.0, dist="lognorm", q=[.75, .95], two_sided=False):
Return a summary of ultimate and reserve estimates resulting from
the application of the development technique over self.tri. Summary
DataFrame is comprised of origin year, maturity of origin year, loss
amount at latest evaluation, cumulative loss development factors,
projected ultimates and the reserve estimate, by origin year and in
### TODO ###
Allow for tail factor other than 1.0.
alpha: {0, 1, 2}
* 0: Straight average of observed individual link ratios.
* 1: Historical Chain Ladder age-to-age factors.
* 2: Regression of :math:`C_{k+1}` on :math:`C_{k}` with 0 intercept.
tail: float
Tail factor. Currently not implemented. Will be available in
a future release.
dist: {"norm", "lognorm"}
The distribution function chosen to approximate the true
distribution of reserves by origin period. In Mack[1], if the
volume of outstanding claims is large enough, due to the central
limit theorem, we can assume that the distribution function is
Normal with expected value equal to the point estimate given by
:math:`R_{i}` and standard deviation equal to the standard error of
:math:`R_{i}`, :math:`s.e.(R_{i})`. It is also noted that if the true
distribution of reserves is skewed, the Normal may not serve as a
good approximation, and it may be preferrable to opt for
the Log-normal distribution.
* If ``dist="norm"``, the Normal distribution will be used to
estimate reserve quantiles.
* If ``dist="lognorm"``, the Log-normal distribution will be used
to estimate reserve quantiles.
q: array_like of float
Quantile or sequence of quantiles to compute, which must be
between 0 and 1 inclusive.
two_sided: bool
Whether the two_sided interval should be included in summary
output. For example, if ``two_sided==True`` and ``q=.95``, then
the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the estimated reserve
distribution will be returned [(1 - .95) / 2, (1 + .95) / 2]. When
False, only the specified quantile(s) will be computed. Defaults
to False.
Generate Mack chain ladder reserve estimates. ``tri`` is first created
using the raa dataset. In the call to ``mack_cl``, ``alpha`` is set to
2, and ``two_sided=True``::
In [1]: import trikit
In [2]: tri = trikit.load("raa", tri_type="cum")
In [3]: mcl = tri.mack_cl(alpha=2, two_sided=True)
kwds = dict(alpha=alpha, tail=tail, dist=dist, q=q, two_sided=two_sided)
[docs] def glm(self, var_power=1):
Generate reserve estimates via Generalized Linear Model framework.
Note that ``glm_estimator`` assumes development is complete by the final
development period. GLMs are fit using statsmodels Tweedie family
with log link.
raise NotImplementedError("glm reserve estimator not yet implemented.")
[docs]def totri(data, tri_type="cum", data_format="incr", data_shape="tabular",
origin="origin", dev="dev", value="value"):
Create a triangle object based on ``data``. ``tri_type`` can be one of
"incr" or "cum", determining whether the resulting triangle represents
incremental or cumulative losses/counts.
If ``data_shape="triangle"``, ``data`` is assumed to be structured as a
runoff triangle, indexed by origin with columns representing development
periods. If ``data_shape="tabular"``, data is assumed to be tabular with at
minimum columns ``origin``, ``dev`` and ``value``, which represent origin
year, development period and metric of interest respectively.
``data_format`` specifies whether the metric of interest are cumulative
or incremental in nature. Default value is "incr".
data: pd.DataFrame
The dataset to be coerced into a triangle instance. ``data`` can be
tabular loss data, or a dataset (pandas DataFrame) formatted as a
triangle, but not typed as such. In the latter case,
``data_shape`` should be set to "triangle".
tri_type: {"cum", "incr"}
Either "cum" or "incr". Specifies how the measure of interest (losses,
counts, alae, etc.) should be represented in the returned triangle
data_format: {"cum", "incr"}
Specifies the representation of the metric of interest in ``data``.
Default value is "incr".
data_shape:{"tabular", "triangle"}
Indicates whether ``data`` is formatted as a triangle instead of
tabular loss data. In some workflows, triangles may have already
been created and are available. In such cases, the triangle-formatted
data is read into a DataFrame, then coerced into the desired triangle
representation. Default value is "tabular".
origin: str
The field in ``data`` representing origin year. When ``data_shape="triangle"``,
``origin`` is ignored. Default value is "origin".
dev: str
The field in ``data`` representing development period. When
``data_shape="triangle"``, ``dev`` is ignored. Default value is
value: str
The field in ``data`` representing the metric of interest (losses, counts, etc.).
When ``data_shape="triangle"``, ``value`` is ignored. Default value is "value".
{trikit.triangle.IncrTriangle, trikit.triangle.CumTriangle}
Create incremental triangle based on RAA dataset::
In [1]: from trikit import load, totri
In [2]: df = load("raa")
In [3]: tri = totri(df, tri_type="incr")
if data_shape == "triangle":
if data_format.lower().strip().startswith("i"):
# data is in incremental triangle format (but not typed as such).
incrtri = data.reset_index(drop=False).rename({"index": "origin"}, axis=1)
df = pd.melt(incrtri, id_vars=["origin"], var_name="dev", value_name="value")
elif data_format.lower().strip().startswith("c"):
# data is in cumulative triangle format (but not typed as such).
incrtri = data.diff(axis=1)
incrtri.iloc[:, 0] = data.iloc[:, 0]
incrtri = incrtri.reset_index(drop=False).rename({"index": "origin"}, axis=1)
df = pd.melt(incrtri, id_vars=["origin"], var_name="dev", value_name="value")
df = df[~pd.isnull(df["value"])].astype({"origin": int, "dev": int, "value": float})
raise NameError("Invalid data_format argument: `{}`.".format(tri_type))
df = df[~pd.isnull(df["value"])].astype({"origin": int, "dev": int, "value": float})
df = df.sort_values(by=["origin", "dev"]).reset_index(drop=True)
elif data_shape == "tabular":
if data_format.lower().strip().startswith("c"):
df = data.rename({value: "cum"}, axis=1)
df["incr"] = df.groupby([origin])["cum"].diff(periods=1)
df["incr"] = np.where(np.isnan(df["incr"]), df["cum"], df["incr"])
df = df.drop("cum", axis=1).rename({"incr": value}, axis=1)
df = data
raise NameError("Invalid data_shape argument: `{}`.".format(data_shape))
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
# Transform df to triangle instance.
if tri_type.lower().startswith("i"):
tri = IncrTriangle(data=df, origin=origin, dev=dev, value=value)
elif tri_type.lower().startswith("c"):
tri = CumTriangle(data=df, origin=origin, dev=dev, value=value)
# Replace missing actuals.
for origin_ in tri.index:
origin_indx = tri.index.get_loc(origin_)
origin_init_val = tri.iat[origin_indx, 0]
if np.isnan(origin_init_val):
tri.iat[origin_indx, 0] = 1.
for devp_indx, devp_ in enumerate(tri.columns[1:], start=1):
triind_val = tri.triind.iat[origin_indx, devp_indx]
if triind_val == 0:
if np.isnan(tri.iat[origin_indx, devp_indx]):
tri.iat[origin_indx, devp_indx] = tri.iat[origin_indx, (devp_indx - 1)]